Kit Digital Logotipo - Accesibilidad Web

What does the 'Kit Digital' initiative present to us?

One of the conditions established by the Digital Kit initiative is that both websites and e-commerce must be accessible, meaning they must meet minimum accessibility criteria. The Digital Kit establishes that the UNE-EN 301549:2022 standard must be applied to each developed site to have portals with at least AA accessibility level.

It should be noted that the way to justify the accessibility of Digital Kit projects is through an Accessibility Review Report. This is available at the Observatory of Accessibility and is an Excel template in which you must record the result obtained for each of the reviewed standard criteria (a total of 49).

The template must be correctly filled out as it will be used for project justification, where the result of the web or e-commerce accessibility analysis will indicate the compliance status and the score obtained (from 0 to 10).

Que nos presenta la iniciativa Kit Digital - Accesibilidad Web

Justification Guide to Prove Accessibility Compliance

If you want to view the guides and templates for completing the justification and how to prove compliance with WCAG 2.1 accessibility, we recommend accessing the following link:

Guide and Template Justification (external URL)

But what are those accessibility criteria?

Well, these criteria are defined in the UNE-EN 301549:2022 standard, which in turn is based on global accessibility standards WCAG 2.1.
What the UNE-EN standard establishes are each of the requirements that must be evaluated and met (a total of 49 criteria), and which affect websites, apps, and online stores.
In this case, what the Digital Kit establishes in terms of accessibility is that the UNE-EN 301549:2022 standard must be applied to each website and e-commerce we develop, to achieve portals with at least AA accessibility level. However, they do not establish the minimum grade (or score) that must be achieved, considering that if we apply this standard, we can obtain 3 possible results:

  • Non-compliant: this would indicate that our website or e-commerce is not accessible.
  • Partially compliant: this would indicate that our website is accessible at level A or AA (depending on the score obtained from 0 to 10).
  • Fully compliant: this would indicate that our website or e-commerce is fully accessible at level AA with a maximum score of 10.

From experience, we know that achieving a “Fully compliant” result for a website or e-commerce is complicated and, in many cases, even impossible, due to the configurations of the systems on which websites and e-commerce are based (CMS). Therefore, we can understand that the result of applying the standard should focus on at least achieving a “partially compliant” status with a score that exceeds 8 points out of 10.

Finally, how can I justify the accessibility of my website?

Accessibility Review Reports (IRA) are documents that assess the accessibility level of a website or mobile application.
Their objective is to identify barriers that prevent access for people with disabilities and provide recommendations to correct detected issues.
To create an Accessibility Review Report (IRA), manual and automated tests must be conducted to evaluate the accessibility of a website or mobile application. These tests must follow the accessibility guidelines established in the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
The IRA should include a detailed description of the tests performed, the results obtained, and recommendations to improve the accessibility of the website or mobile application.
It is important that the report be clear and concise, so that developers can understand the issues and take steps to resolve them.

You can download the template here:

Accessibility Review Report (.xls)

(updated January 15, 2023)

Group 48096704 - Accesibilidad Web

The automatic AI tool that supports compliance with the European Accessibility Regulations.



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